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Athlete spotlight – Westmoore softball player Paytin Capra – Presented by Kathy Brougham Farmers Insurance

There are a number of people that kids can look up to as role models. Celebrities, college or professional athletes, and social media influencers are just some of the possibilities.

But for Paytin Capra, the people that she looks up to the most are those that are part of her everyday life.

“My biggest role models are my parents,” she said. “They have shown me what hard work, 100% effort, mental toughness, and a positive attitude can earn. Every day they inspire me to be the best I can be. There are also two teachers of mine that have made huge impacts on my life. Mrs. Chaney, my seventh-grade reading teacher, always believed in me and told me I could amount to anything I set out to be. Mr. Revolinski, my eighth-grade reading teacher always told me to enjoy what I do and make the best of it.”

Capra is a sophomore at Westmoore High School, where she is a member of the fastpitch and slowpitch softball teams. Throughout her career, she has devoted a lot of time to becoming the softball player that she is today.

“To be successful in sports, you have to work hard,” she said. “You have to put in extra practice behind the scenes. Sometimes you have to miss out on activities with friends, but if you want to be better, to be the best at what you do, you have to do something to get there. While you’re sitting, someone else is putting their time and effort into their sport to climb the ladder.”

As happens with athletes sometimes, Capra suffered an injury. But she says that overcoming it is something that she looks at as a highlight moment of her career. 

“After eight months of rehab for shoulder surgery, I worked hard enough to earn a starting spot as a sophomore for Westmoore softball,” she recalled. “And I was recognized with district and COAC awards for my performance.”

Though she is just a sophomore, Paytin has her eyes set on her future. 

“I hope one day to play collegiate softball and use that education to become an orthodontist.”

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