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Getting to Know Westmoore’s Siddaleigh Steelman – Presented by Premier Healthcare

VYPE: What are your personal goals this year?

Siddaleigh: My personal goals for the upcoming year are to continue my growth in pitching. I would love to focus on being able to get my drive and speed up while being able to control my spin and movement at the same time!

VYPE: What is the most fun you have had in the last year? 

Siddaleigh: The most fun I have had in the last year was getting to experience state for the first time and winning district and regionals! Getting to develop new friendships with the girls really helped me enjoy these moments and make the most of them!

VYPE: Who is your favorite teacher from any grade and why?

Siddaleigh: My favorite teacher was my eighth grade reading teacher Mrs. Perkins. Her class made learning fun! She is very kind to all her students and would do anything for them. She also pitched for Auburn and we talked about pitching together in her class!

VYPE: What is your favorite athletic memory?

Siddaleigh: My favorite athletic memory is when I lettered my freshman year along with getting to work with 14 different universities at the Colorado sparkler softball camps! Lettering made me realize that all the hard work I had put towards travel ball and school ball are paying off!

VYPE: What teammate has left the biggest impression on you and why? 

Siddaleigh: Renee Christian has left the biggest impact on me! She knows how to have fun and be goofy, but she also puts in work and pushes me like no other. She pushes me in the weight room and gets me to lift weight I didn’t know I was capable of lifting.  When I’m on the field she is my biggest cheerleader! I don’t know where I would be without her!

VYPE: Who on your team has the best impression of your coach and who says the funniest things during games? 

Siddaleigh: Accayla “K.K.” King has the best impression of my coach and says hilarious things on the field! She makes me and the whole team laugh every practice and game!

VYPE: You can pick any place for a summer vacation, where do you go and who do you take with you? 

Siddaleigh: I would go to Italy for summer vacation with Brylynn Ormiston. I have always wanted to go to Europe and who better to go with than my best friend since the third grade!

VYPE: If you had $500 and had to spend it in the next 24 hours, how would you spend it?

Siddaleigh: If I had to spend $500 in 24 hours I would spend it on workout clothes! I constantly wear them because I use them everyday for workouts and they are super cute and comfy! I feel way better about the workout when I feel like my outfit is cute!

VYPE: Here is your chance to say hello, goodbye or thank you to anyone you wish. 

Siddaleigh: I would like to thank Coach Rollins, Coach Weaver, and Coach Lucas for pushing me and teaching me how to be a better ball player! I also want to thank Coach Hunter Parker for doing the same in travel ball! The last people I want to thank are my family, friends, and teammates for supporting me in everything that I do!

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