Addison Staggs Westmoore High School A Earth and Space Science teacher at Westmoore High School, Addison Staggs splits time between the classroom and working as...
Owen Eshelman Norman North High School What hasn’t already been said about Owen Eshelman. Besides being the starting quarterback for the Timberwolves, Eshelman is...
Norman North softball coach Trey Palacol has nominated Kaitlyn Webb for our Character Counts honor. Saying “Kaitlyn has been a performance leader ever since...
SOUTHMOORE SABERCATS Coach: JAKE MONDEN 1-9 OFFENSE The Sabercats will base out of multiple personnel and will have “the ability to throw the football”...
WESTMOORE JAGUARS Coach: LORENZO WILLIAMS 3-8 OFFENSE New faces in new places have the Jaguars ready to pounce in 2023. Southeast transfer Michael Graham...